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Data publikacji: 2021-12-01

a partner’s perspective

Polish investment diversity

A stable economy, a good investment climate with respect to statutory solutions and a well-educated workforce - these are the advantages most often mentioned by foreign investors when it comes to Poland. In addition, a powerful internal market and easy access to Western European countries make Poland an attractive business partner.

First and foremost, we should mention human capital. The education system is multi-faceted, taking place both at prestigious universities and a professional level. It often occurs in consultation and cooperation with business, so that employees at all levels can take on their professional roles as early as possible, and the programme is adapted to current challenges. Highly specialised workers in sectors related to advanced technology, such as new mobility, electronics, medtech and ICT sectors are particularly in demand. There are also less obvious sectors that are equally attractive to investors, such as offshore wind energy or nuclear energy, for which the winds in Poland have recently been favourable, and completely niche sectors, such as the production of yachts and boats. It is in these industries that Poland tries to attract investors.

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