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Data publikacji: 2021-12-01

Beyond hydrogen – three resources for a sustainable future

The entire world is lined up for the hydrogen race. Countries are adopting long-term strategies with huge budgets, scientists are developing new ideas and the business world is investing more and more boldly. Hydrogen is the fuel of the future and, in addition to changing the face of the energy industry, it will also have a strong impact on other economic sectors – particularly transportation, industry and innovation.

Today, we know that the world cannot progress at the expense of future generations. That’s why our goal is to transform the economy towards zero-carbon, and hydrogen can make this very easy for us. However, we still have a long way to go: currently, as much as 95% of the world’s supply of this raw material comes from fossil fuel processing, mainly coal and gas. In this case, the by-product of hydrogen formation is carbon dioxide, which is why such hydrogen is called black or grey. And that’s not the point, after all. We need technologies that will make green hydrogen – created from renewable energy sources – dominant. The production of green hydrogen is not yet economically viable, although fortunately the costs of producing it by electrolysis have already fallen significantly in recent years.

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