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Data publikacji: 2021-12-05

There will be no shortage of money for investments into, and development of, cybersecurity systems

Janusz Cieszyński: Currently, the greatest challenge is to regulate the large platforms that were once created as places to be governed by freedom of speech, where everyone could express their opinion and get their message across to a wide audience. Today, we know that things don’t work quite like that; the power of these platforms has become greater than anyone expected

Photo: Wojtek Górski

Janusz Cieszyński Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister, government plenipotentiary for cyber security. In 2018-2020, he served as the Deputy Minister of Health and was responsible for computerisation of the health sector, including, among others, supervision of the Centre for Healthcare Information Systems. Successfully implemented projects during this time include the Online Patient Account, e-prescription, and e-referral, among others.

What are your expectations for the UN Digital Summit hosted by Poland this year?

It will provide a unique opportunity to talk about the future of the internet and how the digital world is changing. The uniqueness of the summit lies in the fact that discussions on this topic usually take place among entrepreneurs or experts involved in the development of new technologies. In this case, several thousand people will gather, among them representatives of high-level authorities from all over the world. Just like the recently held climate summit in Glasgow, the Katowice meeting is intended to identify trends in digitisation for the coming years. It is very important, as there is probably no topic more globalised than the internet. I am very glad that Poland can host such events.

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